DWQA Ask QuestionCategory: SeleniumCreate Frame work using TestNG, PageFactory and automate Scnerios
admin Staff asked 5 years ago

Create Framework using Test NG and Page Factory and automate test cases for each page. Test Cases are mentioned in the end. List will increase.

a. Package Structure should be as mentioned below.

b. use Reporter.log and Assertions

c. FW should be attributable; i.e. can be given in jar and any one should be able to execute it if given jar file of the framework.

  1. package Structure
    1. com.visionit.po
      1. PO_Common.java
      2. PO_Register.java
      3. PO_WebTable.java
      4. PO_SwitchTo_Alerts.java
      5. PO_SwitchTo_Windows.java
      6. PO_SwitchTo_Frames.java
      7. PO_Widgets_AutoComplete
      8. PO_Widget_DatePicker.java
      9. PO_Widget_Slider.java
      10. PO_Interactions_DragAndDrop.java
      11. PO_Interactions_Selectable.java
      12. PO_Interactions_Resizable.java
    2. com.visionit.tc
      1. TC_Register
      2. TC_WebTable.java
      3. TC_SwitchTo_Alerts.java
      4. TC_SwitchTo_Windows.java
      5. TC_SwitchTo_Frames.java
      6. TC_Widgets_AutoComplete
      7. TC_Widget_DatePicker.java
      8. TC_Widget_Slider.java
      9. TC_Interactions_DragAndDrop.java
      10. TC_Interactions_Selectable.java
      11. TC_Interactions_Resizable.java
    3. com.visionit.utilities
      1. ExcelManager
      2. DateManager
      3. XMLManager
      4. WebDriverManager
      5. DBManager
  2. Test Cases List:
    1. Validate Register page functionality. Fill all the fields in the page.
    2. validate all the negative messages for not filling in the field.
    3. Validate file Upload feature
    4. WebTable: Edit Phone number with First Name as “SantoshKumar”
    5. Webtable: Check Pagination and items per page
    6. WebTable: Delete row with email as “anupmudgal11@gmail.com”
    7. WebTable: Validate Column Sorting.
    8.  To be Continued……


admin Staff replied 5 years ago

Do above assignment using Maven as discussed in class. Use this Maven XML :