Selenium Page Factory FindBys and FindAll annotations

We can use these annotations in those cases when we have more than a single criteria to to identify one or more WebElement objects.

@FindBys : When the required WebElement objects need to match all of the given criteria use @FindBys annotation

@FindAll : When required WebElement objects need to match at least one of the given criteria use @FindAll annotation


@FindBys( {
@FindBy(className = “class1”)
@FindBy(className = “class2”)
} )
private List<WebElement> elementsWithBoth_class1ANDclass2;
Here List elementsWithBothclass1ANDclass2 will contain any WebElement which satisfies both criteria.

@FindBy(className = “class1”)
@FindBy(className = “class2”)
private List<WebElement> elementsWithEither_class1ORclass2
Here List elementsWithEither_class1ORclass2 will contain all those WebElement that satisfies any one of the criteria.