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//This test is for automation of Mercury tours website. //Function are being created for each functionality //*********Steps************** //Create Java Project //Add pacakage and class //Add selenium jar file in the Build path //Define class variables driver //Set System property for Chrome Driver //Create Driver //Open Browser //Navigate //Sync //Login package auto_mercury_tours; import java.util.List; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.support.pagefactory.ByChained; import org.openqa.selenium.support.ui.Select; import org.testng.Assert; public class AutoMercuryTours { public static WebDriver driver; //Login page Objects public static WebElement o_user_name_txtbx; public static WebElement o_password_txtbx; public static WebElement o_login_btn; //Flight Details page Objects /* public static WebElement o_flightdetails_type_radio; public static WebElement o_num_pass_list; public static WebElement o_departing_from_list; public static WebElement o_departing_date_month_list; public static WebElement o_departing_date_date_list; public static WebElement o_arriving_in_list; public static WebElement o_returning_list; public static WebElement o_service_class_radio; public static WebElement o_airline_list; public static WebElement o_continue_btn; */ public static String s_pass_count; public static String s_departing_from_list; public static String s_returning_date_date_list; public static String s_departing_date_date_list; public static String s_arriving_in_list; public static String s_returning_date_month_list; public static String s_service_class_radio; public static String s_airline_list; public AutoMercuryTours() { // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub } public static void main(String args[]) throws InterruptedException{ //Setting System property. If this is not set Webdriver can not invoke Chrome //ChromeDriver exe file location is to be set in Key: webdriver.chrome.driver System.setProperty("webdriver.chrome.driver", "E:\\_Educational\\SeleniumStuff\\SeleniumTrainingPrepStuff\\AT\\Selenium\\ChromeDriver\\chromedriver_win32\\chromedriver.exe"); //Initialize chrome Driver driver = new ChromeDriver(); //Navigate to URL. below statment can also be used for the same driver.navigate().to("http://newtours.demoaut.com/"); //driver.get("http://newtours.demoaut.com/"); 'can also be used //Find Objects of Login Page o_user_name_txtbx = driver.findElement(By.name("userName")); o_password_txtbx = driver.findElement(By.name("password")); o_login_btn = driver.findElement(By.name("login")); driver.findElement(By.name("userName")); //Perform operations on Above Objects o_user_name_txtbx.sendKeys("mercury"); o_password_txtbx.sendKeys("mercury"); o_login_btn.click(); //Sync Thread.sleep(5000); //**********Checkpoint to verify that page is loaded and user is logged in********** //Check text //boolean b_result = f_verify_text() //or //Check for any Object boolean b_result = f_verify_element_exists(driver.findElement(By.xpath("//img[@src = '/images/masts/mast_flightfinder.gif']"))); if(b_result==true){ System.out.println("Login is Successfull."); }else{ System.out.println("Login Failed."); } //***************************Find All Elements of the Page******************************************* //find objects of Flight Finder Page after Login //o_flightdetails_type = driver.findElement(new ByChained(By.name("tripType"),By.tagName("input"))); //not the right way to select values in list //o_num_pass_list = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//select[@name='passCount']/option[@value='3']")); //Clicking on Radio button in Flight type. Below is other way of selecting radio group WebElement o_flightdetails_type_radio = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@name='tripType' and @value='oneway']")); //Correct way of Selecting values in Select. Gives you more control Select o_num_pass_list = new Select(driver.findElement(By.name("passCount"))); Select o_departing_from_list = new Select(driver.findElement(By.name("fromPort"))); Select o_departing_date_month_list = new Select(driver.findElement(By.name("fromMonth"))); Select o_departing_date_date_list = new Select(driver.findElement(By.name("fromDay"))); Select o_arriving_in_list = new Select(driver.findElement(By.name("toPort"))); Select o_returning_date_month_list = new Select(driver.findElement(By.name("toMonth"))); Select o_returning_date_date_list = new Select(driver.findElement(By.name("toDay"))); List <WebElement> o_service_class_radio = driver.findElements(By.name("servClass")); Select o_airline_list = new Select(driver.findElement(By.name("airline"))); WebElement o_continue_btn = driver.findElement(By.name("findFlights")); //************Set Values to be entered in the webelements************************************************ s_pass_count = "2"; s_departing_from_list = "London"; s_returning_date_date_list = "5"; // representing May as value of May is 5 in html s_departing_date_date_list = "7"; s_arriving_in_list = "Portland"; s_returning_date_month_list = "10"; // representing October as value of October is 10 in html s_returning_date_date_list = "10"; s_service_class_radio = "First"; s_airline_list = "Unified Airlines"; //**************Perform operation based on the values mentioned above************************************* o_num_pass_list.selectByValue(s_pass_count); o_departing_from_list.selectByValue(s_departing_from_list); o_departing_date_month_list.selectByValue(s_returning_date_date_list); o_departing_date_date_list.selectByValue(s_departing_date_date_list); o_arriving_in_list.selectByValue(s_arriving_in_list); o_returning_date_month_list.selectByValue(s_returning_date_month_list); o_returning_date_date_list.selectByValue(s_returning_date_date_list); o_airline_list.selectByVisibleText(s_airline_list); //Select Business Class in Radio Group //Looping through all the element of the Radio Group for(int i=0;i<=o_service_class_radio.size();i++){ if (o_service_class_radio.get(i).getAttribute("value")==s_service_class_radio){ o_service_class_radio.get(i).click(); } } //Click on continue Button o_continue_btn.click(); //*** For Information purpose. Not part of the test*** //Methods which can be applied over any WebElement Control. Few are restricted to specific type of control //below Example is for Radio Group System.out.println("Is Selected ? " + o_service_class_radio.get(1).isEnabled()); System.out.println("Is Displayed ? " + o_service_class_radio.get(1).isDisplayed()); System.out.println("Is Selected ? " + o_service_class_radio.get(1).isSelected()); System.out.println("Get Attribute. Attribute Name : value. Attribute value: " + o_service_class_radio.get(1).getAttribute("value")); System.out.println("Get Css Value: " + o_service_class_radio.get(1).getCssValue("font")); System.out.println("Get Tag Name: " + o_service_class_radio.get(1).getTagName()); System.out.println("Get Text value of the control: " + o_service_class_radio.get(1).getText()); System.out.println("Get Class: " + o_service_class_radio.get(1).getClass()); System.out.println("Get Location: " + o_service_class_radio.get(1).getLocation()); System.out.println("Get Size: " + o_service_class_radio.get(1).getSize()); //Wait for Next page to appear Thread.sleep(5000); System.out.println("Test Complete"); } //Function to verify two text. Will be used as checkpoint function public boolean f_verify_text(String s_expected, String s_actual){ if (s_expected.compareToIgnoreCase(s_actual)==0){ System.out.println("Text Matching Successfull. Expected Text: " + s_expected + " and Actual Text: " + s_actual ); return true; }else{ System.out.println("Text Matching Failed. Expected Text: " + s_expected + " and Actual Text: " + s_actual ); return false; } } //Function to check the existense of the Web Element public static boolean f_verify_element_exists(WebElement o_obj){ if(o_obj!= null){ System.out.println("Element is Present"); return true; }else{ System.out.println("Element is Absent"); return false; } } } |