- Open Url: https://www.flipkart.com (Do not Login) and validate the page is opened by checking the title and a page locator.
- Search for TV and check search results is displayed.
- Fetch all the products name and their price, save it in a Hash Map collection with key as Product name and value as price. Price should be integer. Example: HashMap<String, Integer>
- Print the Hash Map.
- Print the Product which has the highest price.
- Print the Product which has the lowest price
- Use find element, find element to locate the objects in the page.
- Use Maven and test ng to run the test.
- Use reporter.log to log the steps.
- Use test ng assert for validations.
- No need to login in the application.
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public class AssignmentFlipkart { @Test public void TestFlipkartSearch() { Reporter.log("TC to test Flipkart Search functioanlity started", true); String s_search_string = "Tv"; String url = "https://www.flipkart.com"; System.setProperty("webdriver.chrome.driver", "C:\\Users\\Devina\\Downloads\\chromedriver_win32\\chromedriver.exe"); WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(); driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS); driver.get(url); Reporter.log("Chrome Invoked and navigated to URL: " + url + "<br>", true); //Checking page is navigated with the expected title String actual = driver.getTitle(); String expected = "Online Shopping Site for Mobiles, Electronics, Furniture, Grocery, Lifestyle, Books & More. Best Offers!"; Assert.assertEquals(actual, expected); Reporter.log("Page Navigated." + "<br>", true); //Clicking on Cross button WebElement sign_in_cross = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//button[@class='_2AkmmA _29YdH8']")); sign_in_cross.click(); Reporter.log("Sign In Window Closed." + "<br>", true); //Check Search Box is Displayed WebElement searchbx = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@name ='q' and @type='text']")); Assert.assertEquals(searchbx.isDisplayed(), true); Reporter.log("Search Box is displayed." + "<br>", true); //Enter TV in Search text box searchbx.sendKeys(s_search_string); //Clicked on Search button driver.findElement(By.xpath("//button[@class='vh79eN']")).click(); //Check if search Results is displayed-VALIDATION 1 WebElement txtbx_search_result_text = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//span[contains(text(),'Showing 1 – 24 of 1,600 results for ')]")); Assert.assertEquals(txtbx_search_result_text.isDisplayed(), true); //Check if search Results is displayed-VALIDATION 2 String exp_search_title = s_search_string; String actual_search_title = driver.getTitle(); if(actual_search_title.toLowerCase().contains(exp_search_title.toLowerCase())) { Assert.assertTrue(true); }else { Assert.assertTrue(false); } Reporter.log("Search Box set with value :" + s_search_string + " and search results displayed" + "<br>", true); //Fetch All the Products Text List<WebElement> list_of_products = driver.findElements(By.xpath("//div[@class='_3wU53n']")); List<WebElement> list_of_products_price = driver.findElements(By.xpath("//div[@class='_1vC4OE _2rQ-NK']")); //Use of HashMaop to store Products and Their prices(after conversion to Integer) String product_name; String product_price; int int_product_price; HashMap<Integer, String> map_final_products = new HashMap<Integer,String>(); for(int i=0;i<list_of_products.size();i++) { product_name = list_of_products.get(i).getText();//Iterate and fetch product name product_price = list_of_products_price.get(i).getText();//Iterate and fetch product price product_price = product_price.replaceAll("[^0-9]", "");//Replace anything wil space other than numbers int_product_price = Integer.parseInt(product_price);//Convert to Integer map_final_products.put(int_product_price,product_name);//Add product and price in HashMap } Reporter.log("Product Name and price fetched from UI and saved in HashMap as:" + map_final_products.toString() + "<br>",true); //Find the Highest and Lowest prices //One way is to fetch all values of the hashMap and then save it in the ArrayList //Then using Collections class in java, sort it. this we can easily get highest and lowest //Get all the keys from Hash Map Set<Integer> allkeys = map_final_products.keySet(); ArrayList<Integer> array_list_values_product_prices = new ArrayList<Integer>(allkeys); //Sort the Prices in Array List using Collections class //this will sort in ascending order lowest at the top and highest at the bottom Collections.sort(array_list_values_product_prices); //Highest Product is int high_price = array_list_values_product_prices.get(array_list_values_product_prices.size()-1); //Low price is int low_price = array_list_values_product_prices.get(0); Reporter.log("High Product Price is: " + high_price + " Product name is: " + map_final_products.get(high_price),true); Reporter.log("Low Product Price is: " + low_price + " Product name is: " + map_final_products.get(low_price),true); //Get List of All values from Hash Map. Right now we do not need it so commenting //Collection<String> allValues = map_final_products.values(); //ArrayList<String> array_list_values_product_names = new ArrayList<String>(allValues); } } |